Cutting Through the Noise in B2B Marketing

Cutting Through the Noise in B2B Marketing
On this episode of B2B Nation, we talk to Tracey Fudge, founder of The Thrive Agency, about the level of noise in B2B marketing and whether all of the information being created and data coming back to marketers is generating significant value. Tracey’s background is in corporate sales. Several years back, she came to the realization that almost everything she was taught about sales and marketing no longer applied in today’s environment. Instead of holding sales conversations whenever prospects needed information, people were self-educating using available online resources. As a result, the number of online resources increased dramatically, and continues to grow at an exponential rate. The challenge now is trying to stand out in all of the noise in B2B marketing. Subscribe to B2B Nation.

Episode Guide

2:00: Why the sales and marketing tactics taught in the past no longer apply. 6:35: What types of content are people engaging with? 8:47: Does a background in sales help improve your marketing? 10:45: What do businesses really mean when they use the term “value”? 14:45: Tips for marketing in the very noisy social media space. 17:26: Have marketers figured out how to make sense of the data their work generates? 21:00: How has the pandemic affected B2B marketers? 23:53: Authenticity in marketing has never been easier. 26:00: What might this conversation sound like one year from now? 27:50: What is one tool you simply cannot work without?
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