In this episode of B2B Nation, we offer practical advice on how to create content people remember with Dr. Carmen Simon, Chief Science Officer of Corporate Visions, and the author of Impossible to Ignore: Creating Memorable Content to Influence Decisions.

Dr. Simon is a neuroscientist who studies how B2B audiences react to and remember content. We’re going to discuss the role of imagery and images in your content, tips for business storytelling, thoughts on creating audio content people remember and more.


Creating content people remember is harder than ever. Today’s B2B decision makers are bombarded by content offers and messages. If you’re curious about what you can do to help people remember your content and to encourage recall when it comes time for your audience to make a purchase decision or recommendation, this episode has tips for you.

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Episode Guide

2:46: What triggers audiences to remember the content they consume?
6:24: What are the common mistakes people make in their presentations?
10:27: Balancing imagery and text in presentations.
16:44: Best practices for storytelling for business.
23:16: What would be updated or changed if Impossible to Ignore were written today?
28:32: Tips for creating compelling audio and social audio content.
34:29: What is the one tool Dr. Simon can’t work without?