Because we live in a world surrounded by technology, we often equate innovation with devices and software. But innovation is about taking a different approach to just about anything. If you can make something faster, more efficient, and more productive, you’re innovating.

During times of economic uncertainty, innovation and experimentation are often cast aside in favor of short-term returns. Testing out new systems and approaches carries risk, and companies and their employees have a lower tolerance for risk during a slow economy.If you slow your pace of innovation too much, however, you can find yourself at a disadvantage when things pick up.

In this episode of the B2B Nation podcast, Jonathan Sedger, Director of Innovation and Partnerships at B2B marketing agency Twogether, talks about how B2B marketers can use innovation to improve outcomes for their customers and prospects and help achieve goals quickly and efficiently.

RELATED EPISODE: How Economic Conditions Help You Rethink Your Marketing

We’ll also touch on creating a culture and frameworks for innovation and experimentation, Jonathan’s favorite tools, and more.

Episode Guide

2:37: Where do many businesses go wrong in their approach to innovation?

4:00: What are some strategic approaches to innovation worth trying?

5:47: How do companies approach experimentation today?

8:55: Jonathan shares the framework his team uses for innovation and experimentation

9:43: Which technologies are Jonathan and his team experimenting with right now?

10:49: What are Jonathan’s favorite tools?