A universally recognized brand is a powerful tool for the brand’s marketers, but it can also serve as a target — for unhappy users, for hackers, and for the competition.
When it comes to recognizable brands in B2B tech, Microsoft sits near the top of the heap. In this episode of B2B Nation, we talk to Sylvia Harn, global media director at Microsoft, about how her team plans to use the Microsoft brand and its muscle to help market new products in 2022. Microsoft recently announced news around a pair of cloud solutions at its Ignite conference, and brand power will be essential to its success.
Both Microsoft Mesh, a new entrant in the metasphere market, and its Zero Trust security, will be up against other well-known brands in their quest to build market share.
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We also talk to Sylvia about social media marketing, and how Microsoft takes steps to protect its brand when the social media conversation turns to events too far away from business and good-natured status updates.

Episode Guide
3:10: How does Microsoft’s brand muscle help and present challenges to its marketers?
5:47: How will Microsoft take on high-profile competition in the metasphere space?
10:44: How will Microsoft compete in the crowded Zero Trust security field in the coming year?
13:41: Sylvia’s thoughts on social media marketing in the current atmosphere.
19:00: How Microsoft protects its brand on social media.
26:12: What gets Sylvia excited about 2022 and marketing for Microsoft?
29:05: What is Sylvia’s favorite tool?