The Original PLG: Marketing to Software Developers

More than 15 years after it happened, you can still find videos online of Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer chanting “Developers! Developers!” more than a dozen times at a Windows conference in 2006. You can’t blame Ballmer for his excitement. Put the
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How Your Brand Helps Turn B2B Prospects into Buyers

The B2B technology buying process is full of complexity and risk for B2B buyers. There are often dozens of software applications and technology tools available to meet the business needs of buyers. For B2B marketers, for example, there are more
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How to Make Customer Advocacy Fun, Easy, and Rewarding

This is a guest contribution from Cassandra Jowett, the Content Marketing Manager at Influitive, an advocate marketing platform. You can visit our gamification product listings to compare Influitive against other solutions. It’s a scenario many marketers can probably relate to:
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How to Approach Innovation in B2B Marketing

Because we live in a world surrounded by technology, we often equate innovation with devices and software. But innovation is about taking a different approach to just about anything. If you can make something faster, more efficient, and more productive,
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