3 Email Tips to Amp Up Your Recruitment Marketing

This is a guest post from FreshMail’s Joanna Wojcik. As Content Manager at FreshMail, Joanna is responsible for creating valuable material and building relationships with online communities where businesses meet. She can be contacted at joanna.wojcik@freshmail.com ____ When it comes to
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4 Ways to Fail at B2B Telemarketing

If you run a B2B company, you may feel like you’re constantly trying to get more leads. Don’t worry; you’re not alone. According to a recent Placester study, 78 percent of B2B marketers say this is the biggest challenge they
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Is the Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) Dead?

Some businesses still don’t know what they are, yet people have already pronounced the MQL dead. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Marketing qualified leads are one of the most important metrics marketers can measure. Why? Because these leads
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5 Lead Nurturing Best Practices (and Worst Practices)

Lead nurturing is one of the most lucrative marketing practices. If you’ve done any research on it, you’ve seen the widely-quoted Forrester stat: companies with strong nurturing programs produce 50 percent more leads at a third less the cost. That’s
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3 Detailed Marketing Automation Examples

Despite the meteoric increase in content covering marketing automation, too many marketers still draw a blank when asked to imagine the possibilities automation holds for both marketing and sales. It’s all too simple — and common — for articles on
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